API Reprehendo Valvae
BS1868 Swing Check Valve
BS1868 adductius valvae repressio impedit potentialiter deminutio recursus ad armorum tutelam sicut soleatus et compressores.
Pressura Signati Bonnet Reprehendo Valvae
Pressurae Sigilli adductio Reprehendo Valvulae specimen sunt vaporis, liquidi, reformatores catalytici, aliaque lenta officia, In mundo lenta pressurae altae, valvae caliditas applicationes
API 6D, API 594 Flange Wafer Perscriptio Valve
Product Range Amplitudines: NPS 1/2 ad NPS 24 (DN15 ad DN600) Pressura Range: Class150 ad Classis 2500 Connexio: RF, RTJ Materias fundens (A216 WCB, WC6, WC9, A350 LCB, A351 CF8, CF8M, CF3, CF3M , A995 4A, A995 5A, A995 6A), Alloy 20, Monel, Inconel, Hastelloy Standard Design & fabricare API 6D, API 594 Face ad faciem API 594, ASME B16.10 ASME B16.47, MSS SP-44 (NPS 22 tantum) - Finit ASME B16.11 Socket Weld - Butt Weld Ends to ASME B1... -
API 6D Swing Check Valve
Clavis opera: API 6D, Flange, Adductius, Perscriptio, Valvae, WCB, CF8, CF8M, class150, 300, 4A, 5A, 6A
Product range:
Magnitudines: NPS 2 ad NPS 48
Pressura dolor: CL classis ad MMD classis
Connection Flange: RF, FF, RTJ
Projice: (A216 WCB, A351 CF3, CF8, CF3M, CF8M, A995 4A, 5A, A352 LCB, LCC, LC2) Monel, Inconel, Hastelloy, UB6 STANDARD Design & fabricare API 6D, BS 1868 Face-ad-faciem API 6D , ASME B16.10 ASME B16.5, ASME B16.47, MSS SP-44 (NPS 22 Only) Test & inspect… -
API 594 Wafer, Lug et Flanged Perscriptio Valvae
Clavis opera: API594, Perscriptio, Valve, Dual, Plate, Wafer, Flange, WCB, CF8, CF8M, C95800, class150, 300, 4A, 5A, 6A, Aes
API 594 Lugged Wafer Perscriptio Valve
API 594 Lugged Wafer Perscriptio Valvae Product Range Amplitudo: NPS 1/2 ad NPS 24 (DN15 ad DN600) Pressura Range: Class 800, Class 150 ad Class 2500 Connexio: Lugged, Wafer Lugged Lugged Wafer Perscriptio Valvae Specifications Design Standard: API 594 , API 6D Face ad vexillum: ANSI, API 594 , API 6D ,ANSI B 16.10 Connexio: Wafer, Lug, solidus Lug, duplex Flanged Size Range: 2''~48''(DN50~DN1200) Pressura Rating of Valvae:150LB 300LB 600LB 900LB Corpus & Disc Materia: ASTM A 126 GR.B (Iacta Iron.